Our Why

In a world brimming with technological advancements, a paradox looms large – despite safer vehicles, motor vehicle fatalities continue to rise at an alarming rate. This sobering reality calls for an organization dedicated to transforming our roads into safer havens for all. Project 1 emerges as a beacon of hope, a grassroots advocacy effort with the goal of being an autonomous 501(c)(3) organization determined to save lives, one at a time.

The Puzzling Paradox of Increasing Fatalities

The irony of increasing fatalities amidst safer vehicles stems from a complex interplay of factors:

  • Distracted Driving: The pervasive presence of smartphones and other in-vehicle technologies has fueled a surge in distracted driving, a major contributor to accidents. NHTSA data reveals that in 2020 alone, distracted driving claimed the lives of 3,142 individuals.

  • Speeding: Excessive speed remains a significant factor in crash severity and fatality rates. NHTSA data indicates that speeding was a factor in 29% of fatal motor vehicle crashes in 2020.

  • Impaired Driving: Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs continues to pose a serious threat, impairing judgment and reaction times. In 2020, 10,142 people were killed in motor vehicle crashes involving an alcohol-impaired driver, accounting for 31% of all traffic fatalities.

  • Inequitable Road Infrastructure: Older roads and infrastructure often lack essential safety features like guardrails and rumble strips, increasing accident risks. According to the American Society of Civil Engineers, nearly half of America's roads are in poor or mediocre condition.

Project 1: A Catalyst for Safer Roads

Project 1 stands poised to address these challenges head-on through a comprehensive approach encompassing:

  1. Driving Competency: Performance driving schools teach techniques for precision handling, braking, and maneuvering. This translates into greater control on everyday roads, allowing you to react more effectively. Promote a greater understanding of the responsibility of operating a motor vehicle.

  2. Public Education: Empowering drivers through the development and dissemination of educational materials that raise awareness about motor vehicle safety practices, including safe driving behaviors, traffic rules, and the importance of utilizing vehicle safety features. Engage drivers in vehicle handling and safety schools.

  3. Advocacy: Championing policies and legislation that enhance road safety, such as stricter enforcement of traffic laws, improved road infrastructure, and advancement of vehicle safety technologies.

  4. Research Support: Fueling research initiatives that investigate the root causes of motor vehicle crashes and identify effective strategies for prevention.

  5. Community Engagement: Forging partnerships with local communities, schools, and organizations to assess needs, develop targeted outreach programs, and build a collaborative network for road safety.

The Lifesaving Potential of Driving Competency: Why Performance Driving Schools Matter

Every driver holds the power to protect not just their own life, but countless others on the road. Unfortunately, not everyone behind the wheel possesses the skill and knowledge necessary to navigate complex traffic situations safely. This is where driving competency takes center stage.

Here's why driving competency, honed through performance driving schools, can be a true lifesaver:

1. Enhanced Risk Awareness and Hazard Mitigation: Performance driving schools don't just teach you how to drive; they teach you how to think like a driver. This involves understanding vehicle dynamics, anticipating potential hazards, and proactively avoiding them. You'll learn defensive driving techniques, emergency maneuvers, and how to react calmly under pressure, significantly reducing the risk of accidents.

2. Sharpened Skills for All Situations: From navigating slippery roads to performing controlled swerves, performance driving schools equip you with skills beyond the basics. You'll learn how to handle challenging weather conditions, maintain control during loss of traction, and even brake effectively in a panic situation. These refined skills can make the difference between a near miss and a tragic accident.

3. Increased Confidence and Reduced Stress: Mastering these skills fosters confidence behind the wheel. Knowing you can react effectively to unforeseen circumstances reduces stress and anxiety, further improving your focus and decision-making on the road. This calmer, more confident mindset translates to safer driving behaviors for everyone involved.

4. Positive Ripple Effect: When one driver becomes more competent, it creates a ripple effect of safety. Your improved skills and awareness influence other drivers on the road, encouraging them to be more cautious and responsible. This collective shift towards safer driving practices can significantly reduce the overall accident rate, impacting entire communities.

5. Investing in Your Future: The benefits of driving competency extend far beyond immediate safety. Studies show that skilled drivers experience lower insurance premiums, reduced vehicle wear and tear, and even improved fuel efficiency. Investing in a performance driving course is an investment in your long-term well-being and financial security.

Taking the Next Step: Performance driving schools aren't just for aspiring race car drivers; they're for every driver who wants to be the best version of themselves behind the wheel. Whether you're a nervous student driver, a seasoned professional, or simply someone seeking to refresh your skills, these programs offer invaluable knowledge and practical experience that can save lives.

The Urgency of Project 1: A Life-Saving Mission

Motor vehicle fatalities are not inevitable; they are highly preventable through a combination of education, policy changes, and behavioral modifications. Project 1 is uniquely positioned to address these challenges and make a meaningful impact on road safety, with the ultimate goal of saving lives, one at a time.

Lessons from Norway: A Global Model for Road Safety

Norway's exceptional road safety record, with one of the lowest fatality rates in the world, serves as a testament to the power of a comprehensive approach to road safety. Norway's success can be attributed to factors such as:

  • Zero Vision: A national road safety strategy that aims to eliminate all road fatalities and serious injuries.

  • Strict Enforcement of Traffic Laws: Norway has some of the strictest traffic laws in the world, including a zero-tolerance policy for drunk driving and enforced national speed limits.

  • Investment in Road Infrastructure: Norway has invested heavily in safe road infrastructure, including wider lanes, improved signage, and pedestrian-friendly designs.

  • Public Education and Awareness: Norway has a strong focus on public education and awareness campaigns, promoting safe driving behaviors and the importance of using seat belts.

  • Driver Training and Preparedness: Norway places a strong emphasis on driver training and competency, and this includes a mandatory component called "glattkjøring" which translates to "slippery road training" . This training is a crucial part of the licensing process and focuses on teaching drivers how to handle vehicles in challenging conditions, specifically on icy and slippery roads.

Together, we can make a difference. Join us in the fight for safer roads and a future where every life is protected. Let's make Project 1 a resounding success and revolutionize road safety, one life at a time!